CIN 2D+3D Object Classification Dataset

This dataset contains segmented color and depth images of objects from 18 categories of common household and office objects. Each object was recorded using a high-resolution color camera and a time-of-flight range sensor. Objects were rotated using a turn table and snapshots taken every 20 degrees.


PointcloudsWithBackground.7z (608MB)


Color and 3D data is stored in a 3-channel PNG image each. To load a view with C++ and OpenCV use the following lines:

cv::Mat colorImage = cv::imread(FILENAME_COLOR, -1);
cv::Mat xyzImage_16U3 = cv::imread(FILENAME_XYZ, -1);
cv::Mat xyzImage;
xyzImage_16U3.convertTo(xyzImage, CV_32FC3);
cv::split(xyzImage, channels);
channels[0] -= 1000.0;
channels[1] -= 1000.0;
cv::merge(channels, xyzImage);


If you find this dataset useful, please cite the following paper:

 title = {Going into depth: Evaluating 2D and 3D cues for object classification on a new large-scale object dataset},
 author = {Browatzki, Björn and Fischer, Jan and Graf, Birgit and Bulthoff, Heinrich H. and Wallraven, Christian},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
 doi = {10.1109/ICCVW.2011.6130385},
 pages = {1189--1196},
 year = {2011}
Björn Browatzki
Björn Browatzki
Computer Vision Researcher
Machine/Deep Learning Engineer